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Royal Blue
Virtual Show's Snaphots
Winter Virtual Group Exhibition
Welcome to
'Winter Group Exhibition'
by the
Royal Blue Gallery
'Winter Group Exhibition' it's a virtual group art show with participants from all over the world. The exhibits that consists the event are painting, photography and digital art.
Hope to enjoy our virtual exhibition!
29/1/2023 - 26/2/2023
Directions: To navigate through the exhibition's rooms, please press the button 'enter'.
Room 1
Andrea Cserép
Dixya Sharma Poudel
Hannah Winkelbauer
Jose (Felox) Sanchez
5. Lana Yuan
6. Laura Wilkinson
7. Maria Parianou
8. Munggaran Satria Pandawa (Garan)
9. Sema Maskili
10. Susanne Meier zu Eissen-Rau
11. Théo Bernal
*We suggest that you use preferably your PC from better, higher definition
Room 11
Dimitris-Christos Moschos
Gemma Geraghty
Goran Margetić
Lee Ellis
5. Linda Partaj
7. Nika Rubinshtein
8. Sarah-Anna Linton
9. Seth Ellison
10. Souibgui Kaouteur
11. Valentina Gonzalez Saez
Room 111
Fidan Bejtullahu
Francisco Faustino
Kasia Słania
Kelly Altman
5. Meghanad V. Ganpule
6. Michael Wagner
7. Nicole Maloof
8. Pris da Silva
9. Simon Hafele
10. Yukyung Chung
E- Catalogue
Winter Group Exhibition
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